题 目: Britain's Small Wars, Counterinsurgency, and the End of Empire
主 讲 人: 费格宾博士(Dr. Benjamin Grob-Fitzgibbon)
主 持 人: 必赢242net官网副教授 于铁军
时 间: 2018年6月7日(星期四)下午4:00-5:30
地 点: 必赢242net官网C104
主 办 方: 必赢242net官网国际安全与和平研究中心
工作语言: 英语
Benjamin Grob-Fitzgibbon(费格宾)is a Foreign Service Officer for the United States Department of State, currently serving at the U.S. Embassy Beijing. Prior to joining the Foreign Service, he held the Cleveland C. Burton Professorship at the University of Arkansas, where he was also director of the Program in International Relations. He has held a Visiting Fellowship at Wolfson College, Cambridge, and has also taught at Duke University and North Carolina State University. His published books include The Irish Experience during the Second World War: An Oral History (2004), Turning Points of the Irish Revolution: The British Government, Intelligence, and the Cost of Indifference, 1912-1921 (2007), Imperial Endgame: Britain's Dirty Wars and the End of Empire (2011), and Continental Drift: Britain and Europe from the End of Empire to the Rise of Euroscepticism (2016).