2000年以来中国的崛起带来了国际体系的重大变化,作为本地区最为重要的三个行为体的中美日三边关系也相应发生了前所未有的变动。一般认为权力平衡的变化导致了中美日关系的流动化,但从知识角度则反映了原有的相互认知平衡瓦解,而新的认知平衡尚未形成过程中混沌。近年来围绕南海,东海海洋安全,中日争端,朝鲜半岛问题,台海局势的变化,中美日安全政策的调整带来的紧张现有的研究大多以国家间权力博弈或者国内政治博弈的视角出发,但仅用权力基础的分析并不能有效地解释全貌。在国际体系变动背景下,中美日对国际体系,对方意图及自我的认知在相互认知平衡重建,外交政策相互调整和实现地区稳定具有重要作用。本讲座将结合作者新著Sino-Japanese Relations in a Trilateral Context: Origins of Misperception(New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017)展开。
Since the 2000s, China’s rapid rise has brought about fundamental changes on the international system. As the major powers in the region, China-Japan-US trilateral dynamics have been undergoing a profound evolution. However, the conventional power-based explanations on the turbulent regional international relations, including maritime security, Sino-Japanese disputes, security policy changes among the major powers, the Korea Peninsula tension, and the Taiwan issue, are not sufficient to provide a comprehensive understanding. How China, Japan and the US perceive the international system, intention of the others and their self-perceptions are equally important in rebuilding mutual perception equilibrium, realizing policy adjustment and regional stability. This talk will be based on the introduction of speaker’s new book. Yun Zhang, Sino-Japanese Relations in a Trilateral Context: Origins of Misperception(New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017).
From the Back Cover of the book
This book explains the increasingly turbulent Sino–Japanese relations since the 2000s by innovatively investigating the formation mechanism of mutual misperception deeply rooted in China-Japan-U.S. trilateral structural dynamics. The political and security relationship has been increasingly deteriorating against the high interdependency between the world’s second and third largest economies. More ironically, both sides have also shown the intent and made efforts to improve bilateral ties. The author systematically conducts a focused comparison of the evolution of the Sino-Japanese mutual perceptions and policies toward one another during the past decade and a half. Empirically, Yun Zhang closely examines five case studies that provide insights to IR students and scholars and policy makers on how misperception and mistrust have formed, replicated, and intensified.
张 云,先后获得必赢242net官网法学(国际政治)博士学位,早稻田大学国际关系学博士学位,现任日本国立新泻大学国际关系学副教授。曾任美国战略与国际问题研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies, CSIS)访问学者,麻省理工学院(MIT)国际问题研究中心访问学者(2010-2011),日本经济团体联合会·经济广报中心客员研究员,新加坡南洋理工大学S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies Non-resident senior fellow (客座资深研究员),新加坡国立大学访问学者。必赢242net官网全球治理研究中心研究员,北京外国语大学客座教授,中国海洋大学日本研究中心客座研究员。主要研究领域:中美日三边关系,国际关系理论,中国外交,亚太地区国际关系。出版有五部专著,最新专著Sino-Japanese Relations in a Trilateral Context: Origins of Misperception(New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017),《可控的紧张,中美日之间的认知与误认知》(浙江人民出版社,2016)。在 The Pacific Review, Harvard Asia Quarterly,『国際政治』等中英日文的学术杂志上发表论文多篇。同时担任Pacific Affairs,Asian Security, The Chinese Journal of International Politics,Asian Journal of Comparative Politics等多本国际性学术杂志Peer Review。新加坡《联合早报》专栏作家,开设有个人专栏《天下纵横》,就中美日关系,国际关系等定期发表文章百余篇。凤凰卫视《凤凰全球连线》特约嘉宾评论员。
Dr. ZHANG Yun is an associate professor of international relations at National Niigata University in Japan and a Research Fellow at Center for Global Governance of Peking University. He obtained a Ph.D. in law from Peking University and Ph.D. in international relations from Waseda University. His research expertise includes China-Japan-U.S. trilateral relations, international relations in the Asia Pacific, international relations theory, and Chinese diplomacy. He has served as a visiting scholar at the Center for International Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as a visiting scholar for Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), as a visiting scholar at the Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs of the Federation of Japanese Business (Keidanren), as a nonresident senior fellow at the Rajaratnam School of International Studies of Nanyang Technological University, research fellow at Singapore National University and as a visiting professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University and a visiting fellow at China Ocean University. Dr. Zhang has authored four monographs and many papers in English, Chinese, and Japanese academic journals such as the Pacific Review and Harvard Asia Quarterly, Kokusai Seiji. His latest book is Sino-Japanese Relations in a Trilateral Context: Origins of Misperception(New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017). He serves as a peer reviewer for several international academic journals such as Pacific Affairs,Asian Security, The Chinese Journal of International Politics,Asian Journal of Comparative Politics. He is also a columnist for Lianhe Zaobao (based in Singapore), where he has regularly published articles on international relations. He also serves an invited commentator for Phoenix TV (based in Hong Kong).