讲 座 通 知
题 目: 第一次世界大战的起源:争鸣与反思
主 讲 人: 伦敦国王学院战争研究系国际史教授、
迈克尔·霍华德战争史研究中心主任 Joe Maiolo
主 持 人: 必赢242net官网副教授 于铁军
时 间: 2017年4月28日(星期五)下午3:30-5:30
地 点: 必赢242net官网C105
主 办 方: 必赢242net官网国际安全与和平研究中心
工作语言: 英语
Professor Joe Maiolo is Deputy Head of the Department of War Studies (Research), Director of the Sir Michael Howard Centre for the History of War at King’s College London. He holds BA and MA degrees from the University of Toronto in history and philosophy. He completed his PhD in the Department of International History at the London School of Economics in July 1997. Before joining the Department of War Studies in September 2001, he held posts in the history of international relations at the London School of Economics (1997-98), Leicester (1998-99) and Leeds (1999-2001). He is an editor of The Journal of Strategic Studies. His areas of interest include: The history of 20th Century International Relations and Warfare, Intelligence Studies, Deception in Peace and War, Strategic Studies, Arms Races and the Causes of War, Naval Warfare, and Diplomacy.