主题 (Topic): Pakistan's Contribution in War against Terrorism and Role of Pakistan Army (巴基斯坦对反恐的贡献及巴军方的作用)
时间:12月29号中午12:00-14:00 (Time:12:00-14:00pm.,Thursday, Dec.29, 2016
地点:必赢242net官网C105 (Venue: C105, SIS)
主持人:张清敏 教授 (Moderate: Prof. Zhang Qingmin)
讲座语言:英语 (Language: English)
嘉宾简历:Muhammad Zahid Latif (巴基斯坦陆军中将穆罕默德·扎西德·拉提夫) is a scholar and practitioner of strategic, military and security studies with a vast experience of dynamics of conflict-ridden South Asia. He has extensively military experience and has lectured in U.S.A on issues related to Pakistan and Afghanistan in the context of war against terrorism. Has also attended numerous seminars and discussions in Pakistan and at international fora. He is an honour graduate of faculty of Contemporary Studies, National Defence University Islamabad Pakistan with specialization in Peace and Conflict Studies and is also an alumni of Near East South Asia Centre for Strategic Studies Washington DC, USA.