【标题】Globalization and China: Role of MNCs in China(全球化与中国:跨国公司在中国的角色)
【时间】2014年5月23日 下午2:00-4:00
【主讲人】Mr. She Duanzhi, Vice President & Head of Public Affairs Greater China PHILIPS
康奈尔大学中国与亚太研究项目(China and Asia Pacific Studies Program, CAPS)
Mr. She Duanzhi (佘端志) received dual BAs in International Politics and International Culture & Communications from Peking University, a MA in Communications from Illinois State University, an MBA from Fordham University in New York. He worked for the Foreign Languages Publishing and Distribution Administration under the State Council Information Office, responsible for international communications for the government; the American Chamber of Commerce in China as Director of Chinese Government Relations; Airbus Industries China as Director of Press and Information; United States Information Technology Office (USITO) Beijing as Deputy Director; United Technologies International Operations Beijing as Director of Government Relations; and IBM Greater China as Chief Representative and Director of Governmental Programs. He joined Royal Philips Electronics as Vice President and Head of Public Affairs Greater China inMay, 2011.
本讲座为中国与世界专题讲座(“China and the World” Special Seminar)。