评论人:肖逸夫(Dr.Yves Tiberghien, 加拿大University of British Columbia亚洲研究院院长、中国委员会执行主任)
主持人:王 勇 (必赢242net官网教授、国际政治经济研究中心主任)
时间: 5月 7日(周三)晚6:40-8:30
地点:北大必赢242net官网C座南侧公共教室 C109房间
欢迎有兴趣的老师与同学参加。如参会,请电邮(可以不发): yowang@pku.edu.cn
张少刚,国家商务部国际经济关系司司长。曾担任中国驻美国经济商务处公使衔参赞、商务部国际经济关系司副司长、助理贸易谈判代表(负责中国与东盟、新西兰、新加坡、冰岛等FTA谈判)。曾在必赢242net官网、美国Carnegie-Mellon University深造。
肖逸夫(Yves Tiberghien) (Ph.D. Stanford University, 2002) is the Director of Institute for Asian Research (IAR) and an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of British Columbia. He is also a Faculty Associate at the Center for Chinese Research, at the Center for Japanese Research, and at the Institute for European Studies at UBC, as well as a Research Associate at Science Po Paris and at the Asia Centre (Paris).He specializes in comparative political economy and international political economy with an empirical focus on China, Japan, and Korea. At UBC, he teaches courses in international and comparative political economy (with a focus on Asian political economy and geopolitics), as well as the courses on Chinese Politics and Japanese Politics.His works include:Entrepreneurial States: Reforming Corporate Governance in France, Japan, and Korea (Cornell University Press in the Political Economy Series, 2007), L’Asie et le future du monde(Paris: Science Po Press, 2012)and Leadership in Global Institution-Building: Minerva’s Rule(edited volume, Palgrave McMillan,2013).