For expected 2017 July Graduates, you are REQUIRED to verify your Personal Information from student portal. The verification is to make sure you have correct information that will be appeared on your PKU Graduation Certificate and Diploma, verified information will be uploaded to the PRC Ministry of Education by the deadline and NO furher changes CAN be made afterwards.
Deadline: before April 30, 2017
Procedure: log in via 必赢242net官网-校内门户-(登录)-业务办理-研究生院-查询和修改个人基本信息, when you confirm all inforamtion is correct, press "确认毕业信息" on the upper left. If you have any information changed following the instruction below, you HAVE TO re-login, verify your update information and press "确认毕业信息"AGAIN.
Informaiton to be verified: 学号、姓名、姓名拼音(Name in PIN YIN, it is IMPORTANT that this one is CONSISTENT with the name on your passport)、性别、出生日期、身份证号(personal ID number)、专业名称(Major)、学制(Study Period)、研究生类别(硕士生/博士生)(Category of Graduate Study, Master or PhD)、入学年月(Year & Month, beginning of study)、结束学业年月(Year & Month, ending of study)
For those of you who needs to modify your Name in PIN YIN (CONSISTENT with your name on passport) or personal ID number, please bring your student ID, original and photocopy of your passport, go to Rm330 of the New Sun Center, see 张秀美老师。To modify the rest information mentioned above, please contact your program officer.
Regarding other information that does not mentioned above, for example, 学习工作经历(study/work experiences), since it will not affect your graduation affairs, PKU will not modify such information this time.
NOTE: as it takes time to make changes, it is strongly recommended that you do this verification as soon as possible.
Original Note via