三、项目主题: East Asian Regional Integration in a Populist and Nationalist Age: Rhetoric,Emotion, and Action
Overview: Patterns of regional integration in East Asia including Southeast Asia have long been shaped by strong concerns over sovereignty, state authority, and non-interference; these have often been used to contrast the region with, for example, Western Europe. But populist and nationalist pressures have recently begun to inform debates in the West as well, raising questions about how global pressures driving these trends are likely to affect continuing institutional development in East Asia. How can we theorize populism and its consequences in East Asia? How will East Asia respond to recent turbulence (such as China-US trade war in 2018) in international relations because of populism and nationalism elsewhere? And how will these trends affect the social, cultural, economic, and political debates of countries in the region?
Leading scholars from Waseda University, Korea University, Peking University, Thammasat University, and Nanyang Technological University will offer lectures, presentations, and discussions on those questions from different regional/state perspectives as well as theoretical perspectives.
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