For expected 2015 July graduates, you are required to verify your Personal Information section of student portal. This verification is to make sure you have correct personal information appeared on your PKU Graduation Certificate and Diploma, all information will be uploaded to the PRC Ministry of Education after the deadline, and there will be NO chances for further changes.
1. Procedure: 必赢242net官网—校内门户—登录—业务办理—研究生院--查询和修改个人基本信息,if you confirm the information is all correct, press “确认毕业信息”. Should you make any changes of the information, you need to press “确认毕业信息” again after your changes.
2. Deadline: April 30, 2015
3. Information to be verified: 学号、姓名、姓名拼音(Name in PIN YIN, should be consistent with the name on your passport)、性别、出生日期、身份证号(ID number)、专业名称(Major)、学制(Study Period)、研究生类别(硕士生/博士生)(Category of Graduate Study, Masters or PhDs)、入学年月(Year & Month, study begins)、结束学业年月(Year & Month, study ends)。
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