题目:美国对外政策与中美关系(American Foreign Policy and US-China Relations):中美专家对话
美国代表团成员:美国前驻OECD副秘书长Sally Shelton-Colby大使、前国务院政策规划司官员Shelton Williams教授等
主持人:王 勇 (必赢242net官网教授、国际政治经济研究中心主任)
时间: 6 月 3日(周一)下午 2:00-4:00
地点:北大必赢242net官网 C105教室(国关楼C座一楼会议室)
1、Ambassador Sally Shelton-Colby:She has been Deputy Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris, France; Assistant Administrator of the Bureau for Global Programs at the U.S. Agency for International Development; U.S. Ambassador to Grenada, Barbados and several other Eastern Caribbean nations; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Latin America and the Caribbean; and Legislative Assistant for Foreign Policy to then-Senator (later Secretary of the Treasury) Lloyd Bentsen. Most recently she developed and ran a transparency and accountability project for USAID and the Government of Mexico in Mexico City. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Academy of Diplomacy.
She is now Professor of American Foreign Policy at the American University.
2、Shelton Williams:Dr. Williams is a leader in the field of experiential education and an expert on nuclear nonproliferation, international economics and American Foreign Policy in Asia. In 38 years as a professor at Austin College, he created and supervised the colleges Model United Nations team, winning numerous awards at national competitions and transforming a generation of young people into caring, capable, and globally conscious professionals.has also worked in government, including a tour of duty in the Department of State under Secretary of State Madeline Albright in which he worked extensively on the permanent extension of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. He also served the Office of International Programs, Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Office on the US Trade Representative. He founded the Osgood Center in 2004 as a tribute to Robert E. Osgood, Sean of John Hopkins SAIS, author, and analyst on Henry Kissingers NSC staff and on George Shultzs State Department Policy Planning staff.