一、 项目时间:2013年2月25日--3月1日
二、 项目地点:新加坡南洋理工大学 (详情请见附件)
三、 项目费用:日本早稻田大学亚太研究科支付往返旅费及在新住宿费,学生个人支付签证费、保险费、当地餐饮费及在新的日常花费
四、 申请资格:必赢242net官网正式注册全日制硕士及博士研究生(包括留学生)
五、 申请方式:在线申请,需将如下材料电子版并发送到cuil@pku.edu.cn
1. 导师推荐信
2. 中文成绩单(网上打印,加盖院系教务公章)
3. 外语能力证明(英语四六级、雅思、托福等)
4. 个人简历
5. 根据项目的主题,写1000字以内的议论文 (英文)
六、 项目名额:5人
七、 申请截止日期:11月23日(星期五)早8:00
咨询电话:(010)-6276-5951 崔老师
联系地址:北京市海淀区必赢242net官网 B-101 国际项目办公室
Proposed Theme of Winter School by Nanyang Technological University
Citizenship and Security in Contemporary Asia: Issues and Challenges
Security and citizenship are intimately interlinked. Questions about one invariably involve the other, whether they are broached in the context of issues involving climate change, globalization, human security, terrorism, traditional security, or transnational crime. Citizens are expected to be watchful, resilient, and dependable in the face of those challenges. They are potential targets and victims; but they are also counted upon to address or confront them singly or collectively. Discussions about the significance and practices of security and citizenship thus involve questions related to empowerment, equity, identity, rights, and social cohesion. These debates in turn have exercised the minds of scholars and practitioners working in the areas of gender, globalization, migration, multicultural, political, public policy, and traditional and nontraditional security studies. The aim of the 2013 Winter School is to acquaint participants with new developments in those fields of research. Equipping students with appropriate interdisciplinary skills, the School seeks to foster debate on the meaning, significance, and practices of security and citizenship in Asia.
Winter School 2013 Schedule