A Tale of Two Crises: The Political Economy of East Asian Finance in the 1990s and 2000s “两次危机的故事: 20世纪90年代和2000年代东亚金融危机时政治经济情况”
主讲人: 必赢242net官网访问学者 Professor Barbara Stallings 美国布朗大学教授,华生国际关系研究所 Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University 美国斯坦福大学及英国剑桥大学博士
时间: 2010年10月26日 (周二)下午15:00—17:00; Time: 26th Oct, 2010 (Tuesday) 15:00—17:00pm 地点: 必赢242net官网 C105 Avenue: School of International Studies, C105 语言: 英文 Language: English
内容提要: The crises of 1997-98 and 2008-09 are watersheds that had a profound impact on East Asian economies and polities, but they did so in different ways that are important to understand. In the 1990s, the financial systems of the region itself played a major role in detonating and propagating the crisis. In the 2000s, by contrast, the principal problems in East Asia came from the outside, mainly via the disruption of world export markets. How do we account for the minor role that East Asian financial institutions played in the current crisis, especially since banks and related institutions were at the center of the economic distress in other parts of the world? This is the main puzzle addressed in this paper. In offering an explanation for the different characteristics of the two crises in East Asia, one hypothesis is that policy changes considerably strengthened financial systems across the region in the intervening decade. Beyond this similarity, a second hypothesis is that countries differed in terms of the actors and processes that were involved in the policy changes, based on variations in their historical experiences and structural characteristics.
学者简介: Areas of Interest: Economic reform and development in Latin America and East Asia; finance for development; development strategy; international political economy. Barbara Stallings is the William R. Rhodes Research Professor at the Institute, co-director of Brown’s Graduate Program in Development, and editor of Studies in Comparative International Development, a leading journal that is housed at the Institute. She is past director of the Watson Institute and of its Political and Economic Development Program.
Stallings has a PhD in economics from the University of Cambridge and a PhD in political science from Stanford University. Her work has focused on economic reform and development, particularly in Latin America and East Asia; finance for development; development strategy; and international political economy.
Prior to joining the Institute in 2002, she was director of the Economic Development Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean in Santiago, Chile. She was previously professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, where she also served as director of the Global Studies Research Program, director of the Latin American Studies Program, and associate dean of the graduate school.
Stallings has lectured around the world and acted as adviser to several governments and international agencies. She is author or editor of 11 books and numerous book chapters and articles. Most recently, she co-authored a book titled Finance for Development: Latin America in Comparative Perspective (Brookings Institution, 2006). She has also served on the editorial boards of several journals, including Studies in Comparative International Development, Oxford Development Studies, Competition and Change, Oxford Companion to Politics of the World, International Studies Quarterly, American Journal of Political Science, and Latin American Research Review.