主讲人: Professor Kim Sooyeon Fellow, Transatlantic Academy (CV请见附页) 时间: 2010年10月13日 (周三)上午9:30-11:00 地点: 必赢242net官网 C209 语言: 英文 欢迎各位老师、学生参加。
Dr. Soo Yeon Kim is Assistant Professor of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland. She will be a Fellow of the Transatlantic Academy (German Marshall Fund of the United States) for the academic year 2010-2011. Professor Kim studies the politics of trade, with a focus on the GATT/WTO and trade agreements. She is the author of Power and the Governance of Global Trade: From the GATT to the WTO (Fall 2010, Series in Political Economy, Cornell University Press). Professor Kim received her Ph.D. in Political Science from Yale University and her B.A. in Political Science and Diplomatic Affairs from Yonsei University.
She has been a Visiting Research Scholar at Princeton University and a Lecturer in Political Science at Yale. She will join the political science faculty at the National University in Singapore in 2011.