必赢242net官网-东京大学论坛始自2015年,每年举办一次,由北大及东大轮流主办。论坛旨在通过学术交流与合作,为中日青年学者搭建相互了解、相互学习、加深友谊的平台,引导更多青年学者关注和研究中日关系,并发出年轻一代的声音,共同促进中日关系的长期稳定与发展。第六届必赢242net官网-东京大学论坛将于2020年1月3日-5日在必赢242net官网举办,主题为”The Growing US-China Conflict and East Asia”, 必赢242net官网和东京大学约30名教授和博硕士生将围绕主题进行深入讨论和交流。现招募必赢242net官网硕博士生参与学生论坛(Young Scholar Workshop)的发言讨论,平行分论坛一主题为”The US-China Relationship, Global Order, and East Asia”,平行分论坛二主题为”Technology and Innovations in China, the US, and East Asia”,学生可选择其中一个分论坛进行发言。论坛的相关信息如下:
The relationship between the US and China is changing with profound implications on the political, economic, and social structure of the world. The balance of power between the nation state and the international economic order of the last century is being challenged. At the same time, the quest for new technology is increasingly having an impact on international relations. What shapes the conflict between the US and China? How will the rest of the world adjust to this changing landscape? Especially, what will be the impact faced by East Asia? How can trust be built in these uncertain circumstances, and what changes to global, political, and economic rules are needed for greater stability?
Experts in several fields at the University of Tokyo and Peking University have participated in discussions on China-Japan relations and Japan-China-US relations from the political and economic perspective. We have also examined and considered methods to tackle common issues such as, energy, environment, and social development, under the strategic partnership between the two universities over the past five years. However, there remains a need to embrace a more interdisciplinary approach to explore the complex forces driving the dynamics of global changes.
In this context, under the theme “The Growing US-China Conflict and East Asia,” this workshop will engage legal, engineering, political, and public policy experts, in discussions about the interrelated technical, legal, social, and political challenges arising from the US-China conflict. The implication of these for East Asia and what could be done to overcome these challenges from an interdisciplinary perspective will also be discussed.
Session structure
The first two sessions—“The US-China relationship, Global Order, and East Asia,” and “Technology and Innovations in China, the US, and East Asia”—are faculty sessions. Following a short introduction by the moderator (5 min), each panelist will present their research work (20 min each), and the moderator will pose questions to panelists and engage the audience in discussion.
Session 1: The US-China relationship, Global Order, and East Asia
The relationship between two of the world’s great powers – the US and China has changed dramatically in the past few years. How will this affect the global order and how what will be the impact on the rest of the world because of the changing landscape, especially on East Asia? This session will explore the dynamics of the relationship between China and the US in regional and global contexts and the way to build trust in these uncertain circumstances will be discussed.
Session 2: Technology and Innovations in China, the US, and East Asia
Technological innovations are reshaping the economy, society, and international relationships these days. What are the driving force for the development of innovation? What is the role of government, corporates, and universities, and what are the challenges and opportunities to collaborate at regional and global levels to design and deploy responsible innovations? This session will explore the dynamics of the relationship between China and the US from the perspective of technological innovation.
Young Scholar Workshop (Parallel session)
Graduate students from each university will make presentations (20 min each), followed by discussion.
January 3(Friday)
18:00-20:00, Welcome Dinner
January 4(Saturday)
08:40-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:10 Opening Remarks
09:10-11:45 Session 1: The US-China relationship, Global Order, and East Asia
11:45-12:20 Lunch
12:20-14:55 Session 2: Technology and Innovations in China, the US, and East Asia
14:55-15:05 Break
15:05-17:30 Young Scholar Workshop: Parallel Session 1&2
18:30-20:30 Dinner
January 5(Sunday)
09:30-11:15 Young Scholar Workshop: Parallel Session 1&2
11:15-11:25 Closing Remarks
11:25-11:30 Group Photo
11:30-12:15 Lunch