必赢242net官网伯杰纪念奖学金(Samuel R. “Sandy” Berger Memorial Fellowship),由伯杰家族委托美国中美教育基金会向必赢242net官网教育基金会(美国)捐赠。该奖学金项目在必赢242net官网设立,旨在纪念美国著名国务活动家、美国前总统克林顿国家安全顾问萨缪尔·桑迪·伯杰先生,褒奖有志于推动中美合作和友好的优秀青年。
Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger Memorial Fellowship at the School of International Relations, Peking University is endowed by the Berger family through US-China Education Trust (USCET) and Peking University Education Foundation (U.S.). The Fellowship was established at Peking University for the purpose of honoring Mr. Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger, a reputable American statesman and former National Security Advisor to President Clinton. The Fellowship is set up for commending and supporting outstanding young scholars who aim to contribute to the positive development of China-U.S. cooperation as well as the strengthening of China-U.S. friendship.
The Samuel R. “Sandy” Berger Memorial Fellowship provides a $1,500 (USD) stipend to each recipient for one academic year. In 2020, during the first award ceremony, the inaugural batch of four recipients of the Fellowship were announced and awarded. In the following years, the Berger Fellowship is awarded to two eligible students each year. For the year 2024, two positions are open for the Fellowship.
评价资格 Eligibility
To be eligible for the Berger Fellowship, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Applicants must be enrolled in a full-time program (including undergraduate, master’s or doctorial programs) of study at the School of International Studies, Peking University;
- Applicants must major in or conduct research on international relations or American studies.
The Fellowship funds are available for:
i) Fieldwork research;
ii) Dissertation completion;
iii) Participation of academic meetings, conferences, or seminars.
评选要求 Requirements
Once the application has been approved, recipients of the Berger Fellowship are required to:
Submit ONE research paper on a self-selected topic (in English) within one year. The topic of the research paper may include: China-U.S. relations, American Studies, or American Culture and Society.
参加中美教育基金会主办的“美国研究网络”(American Studies Network)年度会议,并在会上展示论文、介绍研究成果。
Present one’s research paper and share one’s research findings at the Annual American Studies Network Conference hosted by the US-China Education Trust (USCET).
申请流程Application Process
Applicants must complete the application form in languages specified therein.
Electronic version of the application form and other supporting documents must be sent to igcu@pku.edu.cn no later than May 17, 2024, 12:00 P.M. (Beijing Time). Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
Applications will first be reviewed by iGCU and the School of International Studies at Peking University before June 3rd. The list of recommended candidates (at least six) will be passed to the USCET and Mrs. Berger for their assessments before the final decisions are made.
Final results of award will be communicated by the USCET in August.
The Fellowship award ceremony will be held in September.
咨询联络 Contact
For further information on the Berger Fellowship or for other inquiries, please contact:
马老师Ms. Ma : maqianying@pku.edu.cn
附件:2024 年伯杰奖学金申请表