Call for Proposals: PKU-Waseda Workshop
Theme: International Institutions and Global Governance in Asia
Language: English
Date of Workshop: December 12, 2024 (Thursday)
Eligibility: applicants must be currently enrolled in Peking University as a graduate student (either master's or doctoral)
Recent years have witnessed rapid changes in the Asia-Pacific Region. Is China reshaping international institutions and global governance? What is the impact of increasing Sino-U.S. competition on Japan and other Asian economies? This workshop seeks to gather graduate students from Peking University and Waseda University to discuss these issues.
In the workshop, students will be presenting their proposed research for 15-20minutes at School of International Studies, Peking University. Professors from both universities will provide feedback on the presentations. Applicants must submit a proposal of 200-400 words and a C.V. (in English) in one PDF document for consideration. Please email application document to Ms.XU Jiaqi xujiaqi@pku.edu.cn by Nov. 1st, 2024. Proposal decisions will be announced in early November. We expect to accept 3 proposals.